By Dane Avanzi

In the beginning there was barter. People traded consumer goods surplus by others of interest. Over time, the man discovered metal and started minting coins to facilitate trade, giving more dynamism to the business activities. In the high Middle Ages it created the global financial system, which had as its currency instruments in its early days the Bill of Exchange, the check grandmother, who is now to retire. Today, much of the world’s transactions are made via credit and debit cards and some say that in the near future the plastic money also will be replaced by digital technologies.

Among them one stands out: a bitcoin. Native in the digital environment, timidly she starts to hit the streets and be accepted in bars and restaurants of the largest metropolises in the world. Without ballast, no central bank, no control of any body above international state, the Bitcoin is considered by many a risky investment, but a resource protection chance for countries experiencing strong political and financial instability, and its value subject to variations due fluctuations related to economic crises in certain countries, for Cyprus in 2013, and Greece recently. As the currency is regulated by supply and demand in moments of intense negotiation and seeks its value increases dramatically.

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Such oscillations lead some to think that every wave of bitcoin is no more than a disguised pyramid in the digital environment designed to enrich their creators. However, the absence of a regulatory central body, the possibility of individual resource transfer to person, free government fees and other types of control as well as self-regulation by the software mechanism itself that created it removes the possibility of be linked to this type of fraud. The self regulation system works so well that renowned scholarships as Wall Street has studied the electronic mechanism of the bitcoin market.

Conceived to be a global monetary system immune to politicians and bankers currency also attracted the attention of criminals, providing that large sums are moved out of the supervisory authorities. How to make or buy bitcoins? Known as miners, nerds from around the world earn bitcoins by solving problems of high difficulty with the help of supercomputers, an expert of thing. Can earn bitcoins also providing services on the internet. The most common of these is to join certain amount of coins (credits) in a particular game and sell to someone who wants to save time by buying the credits. Another way to get is to buy in specialized sites that act as exchange brokers. Then, to move these values, just download an application on your mobile and pay your bills moving the balance of your virtual portfolio.

Created by a mysterious pseudonym called Satoshi Sakamoto, whose real identity to this day no one knows the future of bitcoins is also hazy, despite being increasingly gaining ground in the world. One thing is certain, both in the virtual world as in the real, human relations are backed by trust and the future of bitcoin will largely depend on the trust of its users in a virtual entity without legal personality.